Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of The Central Conflicts Of Antigone - 908 Words

Drama Essay The topic I chose to write this essay on is about the examination of the central conflicts that are taking place in the story â€Å"Antigone†. Throughout the story and what seems to be the start of many conflicts to come is, Antigone the main character having hard time fathering the fact that she’s not allowed to bury her other brother Polynices. Due to orders given by her uncle Creon. Essentially in the story Antigone struggles with fighting against the social customs of the time, disputes with her sister Ismene, and Creon who represents the state or government and the ultimate enemy. The first conflict occurs in the beginning of the story in scene one. When Antigone finds out about the orders that her uncle Creon has given out. She’s so dismantled she goes to tell her sister Ismene about the news to see if she would help her not let this unethical nonsense take place. Stating both of their brothers have recently just died on in battle but only one i s allowed a proper burial. While Polynices is not due to him sending his army to invade the city of Thebes (744). This simple yet challenging order given by Creon is just a start of the other conflicts that soon begin to unfold. Antigone has a problem with this because Polynices is her blood brother no matter what he did or said and she feels even though the orders were given it is still her birthright to bury her brother even ifShow MoreRelatedAn Interpretive Analysis On Conflicting Self Reassurance1337 Words   |  6 Pages Antigone: An Interpretive Analysis on Conflicting Self-Reassurance Antigone is a complex, yet debatable play, written by Sophocles somewhere around 442 BC. Chronologically, it is the third of the three Theban plays, but was the first to be written. In addition, Antigone was also one of the most famous tragedies ever to be written. 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